
Dakota interface types

Dakota interfaces specify how function evaluations will be performed in order to map variables into responses.

Interface base class

An abstract base class for all Dakota interfaces.

class dakotathon.interface.base.InterfaceBase(interface='direct', id_interface='CSDMS', analysis_driver='rosenbrock', asynchronous=False, evaluation_concurrency=2, work_directory='/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/csdms-dakota/checkouts/stable/docs/source', work_folder='run', parameters_file='params.in', results_file='results.out', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Describe features common to all Dakota interfaces.

__init__(interface='direct', id_interface='CSDMS', analysis_driver='rosenbrock', asynchronous=False, evaluation_concurrency=2, work_directory='/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/csdms-dakota/checkouts/stable/docs/source', work_folder='run', parameters_file='params.in', results_file='results.out', **kwargs)[source]

Create a default interface.

interface : str, optional
The Dakota interface type (default is ‘direct’).
id_interface : str, optional
Interface identifier.
analysis_driver : str, optional
Name of analysis driver for Dakota experiment (default is ‘rosenbrock’).
asynchronous : bool, optional
Set to perform asynchronous evaluations (default is False).
evaluation_concurrency : int, optional
Number of concurrent evaluations (default is 2).
work_directory : str, optional
The file path to the work directory (default is the run directory)
work_folder : str, optional
The name of the folders Dakota will create for each run (default is run).
parameters_file : str, optional
The name of the parameters file (default is params.in).
results_file : str, optional
The name of the results file (default is results.out).
Optional keyword arguments.

Define the interface block of a Dakota input file.


State of Dakota evaluation concurrency.


Number of concurrent evaluations.


Implementation of a Dakota direct interface.

class dakotathon.interface.direct.Direct(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: dakotathon.interface.base.InterfaceBase

Define attributes for a Dakota direct interface.


Create a direct interface.

Optional keyword arguments.

Create an instance of Direct:

>>> f = Direct()

Define the block for a direct interface.



Implementation of a Dakota fork interface.

class dakotathon.interface.fork.Fork(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: dakotathon.interface.base.InterfaceBase

Define attributes for a Dakota fork interface.


Create a fork interface.

Optional keyword arguments.

Create an instance of Fork:

>>> f = Fork()

Define the block for a fork interface.
