
Source code for dakotathon.utils

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Helper functions for processing Dakota parameter and results files."""

import os
import subprocess
import re
import yaml
import numpy as np
import collections

[docs]def is_dakota_installed(): """Check whether Dakota is installed and in the execution path. Returns ------- bool True if Dakota is callable. """ try: subprocess.check_call(["dakota", "--version"]) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): return False else: return True
[docs]def which(prog, env=None): """Call the OS `which` function. Parameters ---------- prog : str The command name. env : str, optional An environment variable. Returns ------- The path to the command, or None if the command is not found. """ prog = os.environ.get(env or prog.upper(), prog) try: prog = subprocess.check_output( ["/usr/bin/which", prog], stderr=open("/dev/null", "w") ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None else: return prog
[docs]def which_dakota(): """Locate the Dakota executable. Returns ------- The path to the Dakota executable, or None if Dakota is not found. """ return which("dakota")
[docs]def add_dyld_library_path(): """Add the `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable for Dakota.""" try: dakota_exe = which_dakota() dakota_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dakota_exe)) os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ( os.path.join(dakota_dir, "bin") + os.path.pathsep + os.path.join(dakota_dir, "lib") ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return None
[docs]def get_response_descriptors(params_file): """Extract response descriptors from a Dakota parameters file. Parameters ---------- params_file : str The path to a Dakota parameters file. Returns ------- list A list of response descriptors for the Dakota experiment. """ labels = [] try: with open(params_file, "r") as fp: for line in fp: if re.search("ASV_", line): labels.append("".join(re.findall(":(\S+)", line))) except IOError: return None else: return labels
[docs]def get_attributes(obj): """Get and format the attributes of an object. Parameters ---------- section An object that has attributes. Returns ------- dict The object's attributes. """ attrs = obj.__dict__.copy() for key in attrs: if key.startswith("_"): new_key = key.lstrip("_") attrs[new_key] = attrs.pop(key) return attrs
[docs]def get_configuration_file(params_file): """Extract the configuration filepath from a Dakota parameters file. Parameters ---------- params_file : str The path to a Dakota parameters file. Returns ------- str The path to the configuration file for the Dakota experiment. """ with open(params_file, "r") as fp: for line in fp: if re.search("AC_1", line): return line.split("AC_1")[0].strip()
[docs]def deserialize(config_file): """Load settings from a YAML configuration file. Returns ------- dict Configuration settings in a dict. """ with open(config_file, "r") as fp: return yaml.safe_load(fp)
[docs]def compute_statistic(statistic, array): """Compute the statistic used in a Dakota response function. Parameters ---------- statistic : str A string with the name of the statistic to compute ('mean', 'median', etc.). array : array_like An array data structure, such as a numpy array. Returns ------- float The value of the computed statistic. """ return np.__getattribute__(statistic)(array)
[docs]def write_results(results_file, values, labels): """Write a Dakota results file from a set of input values. Parameters ---------- results_file : str The path to a Dakota results file. values : array_like A list or array of numeric values. labels : str A list of labels to attach to the values. """ arr_values = np.asarray(values) arr_labels = np.asarray(labels) results = np.column_stack((arr_values, arr_labels)) np.savetxt(results_file, results, delimiter="\t", fmt="%s")
[docs]def to_iterable(x): """Get an iterable version of an input. Parameters ---------- x Anything. Returns ------- If the input isn't iterable, or is a string, then a tuple; else, the input. Notes ----- Courtesy http://stackoverflow.com/a/6711233/1563298 """ if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(x, str): return x else: return (x,)
[docs]def configure_parameters(params): """Preprocess Dakota parameters prior to committing to a config file. Parameters ---------- params : dict Configuration parameters for a Dakota experiment that map to the items in the Dakota configuration file, **dakota.yaml**. Returns ------- (dict, dict) An updated dict of Dakota configuration parameters, and a dict of substitutions used to create the Dakota template ("dtmpl") file. """ try: params["component"] except KeyError: try: params["plugin"] except KeyError: params["component"] = params["plugin"] = "" else: params["analysis_driver"] = "dakota_run_plugin" params["component"] = "" else: params["analysis_driver"] = "dakota_run_component" params["plugin"] = "" to_check = [ "descriptors", "response_descriptors", "response_statistics", "auxiliary_files", ] for item in to_check: try: if isinstance(params[item], str): params[item] = [params[item]] except KeyError: pass subs = {} for item in params["descriptors"]: subs[item] = "{" + item + "}" try: subs["run_duration"] = params["run_duration"] except KeyError: pass return params, subs