
Source code for dakotathon.method.stoch_collocation

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Implementation of the Dakota stochastic collocation method."""

from .base import UncertaintyQuantificationBase

classname = "StochasticCollocation"

[docs]class StochasticCollocation(UncertaintyQuantificationBase): """The Dakota stochastic collocation uncertainty quantification method. Stochastic collocation is a general framework for approximate representation of random response functions in terms of finite-dimensional interpolation bases. Stochastic collocation is very similar to polynomial chaos, with the key difference that the orthogonal polynomial basis functions are replaced with interpolation polynomial bases. Notes ----- This implementation of the `stochastic collocation method`_ is based on the description provided in the Dakota 6.4 documentation. .. _stochastic collocation method: https://dakota.sandia.gov//sites/default/files/docs/6.4/html-ref/method-stoch_collocation.html """
[docs] def __init__( self, coefficient_estimation_approach="quadrature_order_sequence", quadrature_order=2, dimension_preference=(), nested=False, **kwargs ): """Create a new Dakota stochastic collocation study. Parameters ---------- coefficient_estimation_approach : str Technique to obtain coefficients of expansion. quadrature_order : int The highest order of the polynomial basis. dimension_preference : list or tuple of int, optional A set of weights specifying the relative importance of each uncertain variable (dimension). nested : bool, optional Set to enforce nested quadrature rules, if available (default is False). Examples -------- Create a default instance of StochasticCollocation with: >>> m = StochasticCollocation() """ UncertaintyQuantificationBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.method = self.__module__.rsplit(".")[-1] self.coefficient_estimation_approach = coefficient_estimation_approach self._quadrature_order = quadrature_order self._dimension_preference = dimension_preference self._nested = nested if len(self.dimension_preference) > 0: self.quadrature_order = max(self.dimension_preference)
@UncertaintyQuantificationBase.basis_polynomial_family.setter def basis_polynomial_family(self, value): """Set the type of basis polynomials used by the method. Parameters ---------- value : str The polynomial type. """ if value not in ("extended", "askey", "wiener", "piecewise"): msg = "Polynomial type must be extended, askey, " + "piecewise, or wiener" raise TypeError(msg) self._basis_polynomial_family = value @property def quadrature_order(self): """The highest order polynomial used by the method.""" return self._quadrature_order @quadrature_order.setter def quadrature_order(self, value): """Set the highest order polynomial used by the method. Parameters ---------- value : int The polynomial order. """ if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("Quadrature order must be an int") if len(self._dimension_preference) > 0: self._quadrature_order = max(self._dimension_preference) else: self._quadrature_order = value @property def dimension_preference(self): """Weights specifying the relative importance of each dimension.""" return self._dimension_preference @dimension_preference.setter def dimension_preference(self, value): """Set weights specifying the relative importance of each dimension. The highest value of dimension_preference is set as the quadrature_order. Parameters ---------- value : tuple or list of int The weights. """ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("Dimension preference must be a tuple or a list") self._dimension_preference = value self.quadrature_order = max(self.dimension_preference) @property def nested(self): """Enforce use of nested quadrature rules.""" return self._nested @nested.setter def nested(self, value): """Toggle use of nested quadrature rules. Parameters ---------- value : bool True if nested. """ if type(value) is not bool: raise TypeError("Nested must be a bool") self._nested = value
[docs] def __str__(self): """Define the method block for a stoch_collocation experiment. Examples -------- Display the method block created by a default instance of StochasticCollocation: >>> m = StochasticCollocation() >>> print(m) method stoch_collocation sample_type = random samples = 10 probability_levels = 0.1 0.5 0.9 quadrature_order = 2 non_nested <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> See Also -------- dakotathon.method.base.UncertaintyQuantificationBase.__str__ """ s = UncertaintyQuantificationBase.__str__(self) if self.coefficient_estimation_approach == "quadrature_order_sequence": s += " quadrature_order = {}\n".format(self.quadrature_order) if len(self.dimension_preference) > 0: s += " dimension_preference =" for item in self.dimension_preference: s += " {}".format(item) s += "\n" if self.nested: s += " nested\n" else: s += " non_nested\n" s += "\n" return s