
Source code for dakotathon.method.base

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Abstract base classes for Dakota analysis methods."""

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class MethodBase(object): """Describe common features of Dakota analysis methods. The *max_iterations* and *convergence_tolerance* keywords are included in Dakota's set of `method independent controls`_. .. _method independent controls: https://dakota.sandia.gov//sites/default/files/docs/6.4/html-ref/topic-method_independent_controls.html """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__( self, method="vector_parameter_study", max_iterations=None, convergence_tolerance=None, **kwargs ): """Create default method parameters. Parameters ---------- method : str The name of the analysis method; e.g., 'vector_parameter_study'. max_iterations : int, optional Stopping criterion based on number of iterations. convergence_tolerance : float, optional Stopping criterion based on convergence of the objective function or statistics. Defined on the open interval (0, 1). """ self._method = method self._max_iterations = max_iterations self._convergence_tolerance = convergence_tolerance
@property def method(self): """The name of the analysis method used in the experiment.""" return self._method @method.setter def method(self, value): """Set the analysis method used in the experiment. Parameters ---------- value : str The new method type. """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Method must be a str") self._method = value @property def max_iterations(self): """Maximum number of iterations for the method.""" return self._max_iterations @max_iterations.setter def max_iterations(self, value): """Set the maximum number of iterations used in the experiment. Parameters ---------- value : int The maximum number of iterations. """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Max iterations must be a int") self._max_iterations = value @property def convergence_tolerance(self): """Convergence tolerance for the method.""" return self._convergence_tolerance @convergence_tolerance.setter def convergence_tolerance(self, value): """Set the convergence tolerance used in the experiment. Parameters ---------- value : float The new convergence tolerance. """ if not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError("Convergence tolerance must be a float") if value <= 0.0 or value >= 1.0: raise ValueError("Convergence tolerance must be on (0,1)") self._convergence_tolerance = value
[docs] def __str__(self): """Define the preamble of the Dakota input file method block.""" s = "method\n" + " {}\n".format(self.method) if self.max_iterations is not None: s += " max_iterations = " s += "{}\n".format(self.max_iterations) if self.convergence_tolerance is not None: s += " convergence_tolerance = " s += "{}\n".format(self.convergence_tolerance) return s
def _print_levels(levels): s = "" for item in levels: if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): s += "\n " for subitem in item: s += " {}".format(subitem) else: s += " {}".format(item) s += "\n" return s
[docs]class UncertaintyQuantificationBase(MethodBase): """Describe features of uncertainty quantification methods. To supply *probability_levels* or *response_levels* to multiple responses, nest the inputs to these properties. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__( self, basis_polynomial_family="extended", probability_levels=(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), response_levels=(), samples=10, sample_type="random", seed=None, variance_based_decomp=False, **kwargs ): """Create default method parameters. Parameters ---------- basis_polynomial_family: str, optional The type of polynomial basis used in the expansion, either 'extended' (the default), 'askey', or 'wiener'. probability_levels : list or tuple of float, optional Specify probability levels at which to estimate the corresponding response value. Default is (0.1, 0.5, 0.9). response_levels : list or tuple of float, optional Values at which to estimate desired statistics for each response samples : int The number of randomly chosen values at which to execute a model. sample_type : str Technique for choosing samples, `random` or `lhs`. seed : int, optional The seed for the random number generator. If seed is specified, a stochastic study will generate identical results when repeated using the same seed value. If not specified, a seed is randomly generated. variance_based_decomp : bool, optional Set to activate global sensitivity analysis based on decomposition of response variance into main, interaction, and total effects. """ MethodBase.__init__(self, method="sampling", **kwargs) self._basis_polynomial_family = basis_polynomial_family self._probability_levels = probability_levels self._response_levels = response_levels self._samples = samples self._sample_type = sample_type self._seed = seed self._variance_based_decomp = variance_based_decomp
@property def basis_polynomial_family(self): """The type of basis polynomials used by the method.""" return self._basis_polynomial_family @basis_polynomial_family.setter def basis_polynomial_family(self, value): """Set the type of basis polynomials used by the method. Parameters ---------- value : str The polynomial type. """ if value not in ("extended", "askey", "wiener"): msg = "Polynomial type must be 'extended', 'askey', or 'wiener'" raise TypeError(msg) self._basis_polynomial_family = value @property def probability_levels(self): """Probabilities at which to estimate response values.""" return self._probability_levels @probability_levels.setter def probability_levels(self, value): """Set probabilities at which to estimate response values. Parameters ---------- value : tuple or list of float The probability levels. """ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("Probability levels must be a tuple or a list") self._probability_levels = value @property def response_levels(self): """Values at which to estimate statistics for responses.""" return self._response_levels @response_levels.setter def response_levels(self, value): """Set values at which to estimate statistics for responses. Parameters ---------- value : tuple or list of float The response levels. """ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError("Response levels must be a tuple or a list") self._response_levels = value @property def samples(self): """Number of samples in experiment.""" return self._samples @samples.setter def samples(self, value): """Set number of samples used in experiment. Parameters ---------- value : int The number of samples. """ if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("Samples must be an int") self._samples = value @property def sample_type(self): """Sampling strategy.""" return self._sample_type @sample_type.setter def sample_type(self, value): """Set sampling strategy used in experiment. Parameters ---------- value : str The sampling strategy. """ if ["random", "lhs"].count(value) == 0: raise TypeError("Sample type must be 'random' or 'lhs'") self._sample_type = value @property def seed(self): """Seed of the random number generator.""" return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, value): """Set the seed of the random number generator. Parameters ---------- value : int The random number generator seed. """ if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("Seed must be an int") self._seed = value @property def variance_based_decomp(self): """Use variance-based decomposition global sensitivity analysis.""" return self._variance_based_decomp @variance_based_decomp.setter def variance_based_decomp(self, value): """Toggle variance-based decomposition global sensitivity analysis. Parameters ---------- value : bool True if using variance-based decomposition. """ if type(value) is not bool: raise TypeError("Set variance-based decomposition with a bool") self._variance_based_decomp = value
[docs] def __str__(self): """Define the method block for a UQ experiment. See Also -------- dakotathon.method.base.MethodBase.__str__ """ s = MethodBase.__str__(self) if self.basis_polynomial_family != "extended": s += " {}\n".format(self.basis_polynomial_family) s += " sample_type = {}\n".format( self.sample_type ) + " samples = {}\n".format(self.samples) if self.seed is not None: if self.seed != 0: s += " seed = {}\n".format(self.seed) if len(self.probability_levels) > 0: s += " probability_levels =" s += _print_levels(self.probability_levels) if len(self.response_levels) > 0: s += " response_levels =" s += _print_levels(self.response_levels) if self.variance_based_decomp: s += " variance_based_decomp\n" return s